Blogs to Follow

Digital Marketing – 5 Blogs to Follow

Needing Some Inspiration for Your Online Presence?

5 Blogs to Follow for online presence. Whilst many large companies in the world outside of the tech sector have adopted a content-driven marketing model, many do not have active blogs. Unfortunately, the majority of brand blog attempts end in failure. This is because instead of being a voice for their industry, most businesses just talk about their own products. These are the blogs causing us all to fall asleep on our keyboards.

However, these blogs prove that corporate doesn’t have to mean boring — although we do understand if that was your assumption based on the headline.

In this article, we’re going to show you 5 corporate blogs that you should be following if you wish to stay ahead of the curve.

Blogs to Follow

1. Hubspot

Hubspot are a B2B (business to business) company which assist in creating and optimising marketing funnels for their clients. They handle blogging, SEO, landing pages, analytics, and more. Often compared to industry giants Kissmetrics, Hubspot has used content marketing to fuel their growth. Most marketing tactics searches will have a Hubspot article on the first page, testifying to the success of the content marketing model.

2. Contently

Another business thriving on content marketing’s long-term benefits is Contently. Their blog “The Content Strategist” has allowed for tremendous growth. Posts on this site are divided into several categories so users can locate content with ease. These articles are useful for those looking to get into online marketing but are clueless about where to start.

3. Optimizely

Intensive analytics and straight-to-the-point posts have contributed to the success of Optimizely, which gives marketers the information they need to make well-informed business decisions. From seasoned veterans to complete newbies, this site caters to all.

4. Whole Foods Market

Moving away from B2B businesses, Whole Foods has a tasty addition to this list in the form of its blog, which provides recipes, best practices, exciting product ideas, and reviews. In addition, the company uses this as a convenient platform for their online sales. This is done subtly so as not to distract from their blog. The articles are fun and the recipes are great, not one to be missed!

5. Marriott

Bill Marriott has become a household name incorporate blogging, with the Marriott chairman doing all of his own posts once a week. Millions of sales have been generated by the blog and the blog has been used as a platform for information about the company and its properties.

These blogs all work on content marketing, which has exponentially increased their profits through direct sales and indirect advertising through their enjoyable and informative articles.